联系方式:huyl_buct@foxmail.com;131 2039 8934
姓 名 |
胡娅伦 |
出生日期 |
1989年03月 |
性 别 |
男 |
籍 贯 |
河南许昌 |
健康状况 |
良好 |
2007.09‒2011.06 |
河南师范大学,化学工程与技术,学士学位; |
2014.09‒2017.06 |
北京化工大学,化学工程与技术,硕士学位; |
2017.09‒2021.12 |
北京化工大学,化学工程与技术,博士学位; |
2022.01‒至今 |
河南大学,化学博士后流动站,博士后。 |
(1) 国家自然科学基金:生物质与原位吸附生物油共热解过程中易结焦组分转化机理研究,2016‒2018;
(2) 国家重点研发计划项目—政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项:生物质废弃物太阳能辅助气化及合成气发酵制液体燃料,2019‒2021;
学术业绩:发表 (含接收) SCI文章4篇;
(1) Yalun Hu, Isaac Nartey Oduro, Yong Huang, Yunming Fang. Structural characterization and pyrolysis behavior of holocellulose obtained from lignin-first biorefinery. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 2016, 120, 416−422;
(2) Yong Huang, Yalun Hu, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Yunming Fang. Interactions between volatiles and char during pyrolysis of biomass: reactive species determining and reaction over functionalized carbon nanotubes. Energy Fuels 2016, 30, 5758−5765;
(3) Yong Huang, Yalun Hu, Fenghui Ye, and Yunming Fang. Lignin pyrolysis and in situ hydrodeoxygenation over MoO3: interaction between MoO3 and lignin. Energy Fuels 2017, 31, 8356−8362;
(4) Yalun Hu, Mingrui Li, Yunming Fang, and Tianwei Tan. Resolving challenges in biomass catalytic pyrolysis by co-optimization of process and catalyst: removal of heavy fraction in pyrolysis vapours and application of novel zeolite catalyst with high thermal conductivity. Renewable Energy 2020, 156, 951−963.